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Successful Systems Engineering is all about navigating the optimum path to the overall objective while considering the complete lay of the land in a 360 degree view.  A solution cannot just be a near-term software-centric solution.  Long-term maintenance of the software, security, hardware requirements and its maintenance, external interfaces, logistics, training, test requirements and certifications are all bumps in the lay of the land that must be considered in identifying that path – not to mention cost and schedule. 


Hoku-Technologies is a Systems Engineering consulting firm which helps clients identify the bumps in the lay of their land and the optimum path to accomplish their objectives.  We at Hoku-Technologies have provided support for more than three decades to the acquisition programs of highly complex US Navy and US Air Force systems.


About the Name

Ancient Polynesians accomplished great feats of engineering, traveling across the 60 million square miles of the vast Pacific Ocean utilizing ocean currents, clues offered by the sea below and the sky above and the position of stars as they rose and fell on 360 degrees of the horizon to navigate an optimum and accurate transit from island chain to island chain.  Hoku is the Hawaiian word for star and Hoku-Technologies, like the ancient Polynesians, considers a 360 degree view of its surroundings to help navigate an optimum path for your program.

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